Lecture 12 (structure)P:49
The use of acupuncture as an anesthetic during surgery makes it possible for patients to observe operations on their own bodies.
make O O.C
make it +adj +to +V
                  +that +S +V
make O O.C---> make O.C O
Recent theories in particle physics have begun to explian some of the discrepancies of past experiments, making more likely a definitive understanding of atomic particles.
Inflection affects the planning of leaders of all countries, whether policies can control it.
N-Cl--->App用法, 針對解釋前段文的用法
The hypothesis that his political ambitions in the federal government would never be realized led Aaron Burr to attempt to found an empire of his own.
I got news that .....
notion 想法
hypothesis 前提 假說
evidence 證據 跡象
proof 證據
likelihood 可能性
realization 領悟 實現      同位語用法
Classical architecture guidelines require that light, especially through windows, be evenly(平均地) distributed throuh rooms, along hallways, and down staircases.
這種建議 命令 要求 堅持動詞--->這類後面出現N-Cl, 通常用假設法語氣, 來特別強調, 達到強制性
I recommend that Jim (should) speak to the director.(主任)
recommend 推薦 勸告
advise 忠告 勸告
request 要求
suggest 建議
demand 要求 查問
insist 堅持認為
maintain 維持 主張
1. that +S +V   that無意思
2. whether +S +V 與是否有關的
3. when +S +V    時   與所有疑問語意有關
    where +S +V   地
    how +S +V     方法 方式
    why +S +V     原因 理由
4. what
   連 S
   conj O
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